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Metro Institute Online Training Services

Online Continuing Education Courses / CEUs for PMD (Arizona)

Metro Institute's PMD-Approved Catalog of CEUs

Click a CEU title for a description, watch a two-minute sample and add your selections to your shopping cart!

CEUs cost as little as $15 per 1 hour credit!

CEUs cost $25 each, but save when you buy in quantity:
... buy 6 to 11 CEUs, save $5 per CEU!
... buy more than 11 CEUs, save $10 per CEU!
(Discounts are applied at checkout.)
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Metro Institute Online CEU Services are a robust, feature-rich Web-based application for administering and reporting CEUs.
Metro Institute, Inc.
202 East Earll Drive, Ste 180,
Phoenix, AZ 85012, USA
Phone: (602) 452-2900
Toll Free: (877)-533-2900
Fax: (602) 452-2920